About Christina Kelly

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So far Christina Kelly has created 56 blog entries.

Q&A with Kathy Siragusa, our New Quality Improvement Specialist for Chautauqua

Kathy Siragusa has been involved in the early childhood field for 30 years. Before joining QUALITYstarsNY, Kathy taught in a variety of Chautauqua County schools and child care centers, as a toddler teacher, a UPK teacher and public school teacher. Kathy has supported children, families and teachers as a school age coordinator and child care center program director. Additionally, she has worked with the teacher education programs at Jamestown Community College and SUNY Fredonia as an adjunct instructor and cooperating teacher. Kathy holds a Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction and Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from SUNY Fredonia, and earned an Associate of Arts in Social Sciences from Jamestown Community College. She has also served as a board member for the Chautauqua County Chapter of New York Association for the Education of Young Children (NYAEYC).

2024-07-23T12:21:44-04:00December 10th, 2020|Meet the Team|
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