Last week, New York City Mayor Eric Adams released “A Blueprint for Child Care & Early Childhood Education in New York City”. The Blueprint outlines his plans to strengthen NYC’s early childhood system and provide accessible, high-quality, equitable, and affordable child care to more of the city’s 500,000 young children and their families.

The Blueprint concludes by noting the strategies outlined in the plan are just the beginning and future steps are in development to continue to drive progress. This includes addressing quality and the intention of the Mayor’s office to work with stakeholders to adopt New York State’s Quality Rating & Improvement System (QRIS), QUALITYstarsNY, to support excellence throughout NYC.

“We will help more providers participate in this continuous quality improvement cycle and help families better understand the steps that are being taken to provide high-quality care to their children.”  – Accessible, Equitable, High-quality, Affordable: A Blueprint for Child Care & Early Childhood Education in New York City, p.30

As the state’s QRIS, QUALITYstarsNY looks forward to working with City Hall to move this work forward to increase and sustain the quality of early childhood education.