Collin Allen is a Child Care Center and QUALITYstarsNY participant in Mount Vernon, NY.

Miriam (right) pictured with Director of Collin Allen Child Development Center Dr. Gloria Pope.

Miriam Kerness, Quality Improvement Specialist at QUALITYstarsNY, was invited to speak at the Collin Allen Child Development Center’s graduation ceremony. Speaking to over 100 families in attendance, Miriam expressed admiration for Collin Allen’s continued focus on quality child care and their dedication to the QUALITYstarsNY Quality Improvement Plan, which supplies their program with top notch services for the children and families in their care as well as professional development opportunities for their staff. 

“We know, from research, that the early experiences of every child matter so much. You may have heard that 90% of brain development happens in the years 0-5. You, the families, are brain builders, through all your interactions with your children. The caring staff and leadership at Collin Allen Child Development Center are brain builders, through each thoughtfully-planned interaction and activity throughout each day. And because early experiences matter so much, a program that volunteers to be part of QUALITYstarsNY shows a commitment: a commitment to children, a commitment to families, a commitment to the community.

What children learn here at Collin Allen, just as what they learn with you, their families, will be with them forever.”

Great job Miriam, and congrats to all the graduates at Collin Allen!