Quality Improvement Specialist Lisa Stoler collaborated with QUALITYstarsNY participant Dorothy (Dottie) Semexant of Dottie’s Home Daycare and Preschool to write a thoughtful piece for Brightside Up’s “Home & Classroom Magazine”. The article highlights Dottie’s journey as a business owner and child care provider and the fulfillment she finds in running her own program. Lisa also shares how Dottie’s participation in QUALITYstarsNY has empowered her as a professional and supported the development of her program. The article notes, “In realizing her dream, Dottie exemplifies the transformative impact of passion, dedication, and quality in the field of child care. Through her commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, she not only enriches the lives of the children in her care but also strengthens the fabric of her community.” Read the full piece on page 30!