Joselly Santos
New York City
Joselly Santos has over 13 years of experience in the early childhood education field. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Bachelor’s degree in sociology and a Master’s degree in Early childhood from Lehman College; graduating summa cum laude from Herbert H. Lehman College. Joselly is certified in birth-second grade. Joselly has been working in early childhood in various capacities, including center director for many years. She also worked as a Pre-K teacher in the archdiocese, a bilingual Kindergarten in NYCDOE, and and Educational director for a family child care network.
Joselly is T-TAP accredited and holds a CDA PD specialist. In 2018, Joselly participated in a nationwide research project at The Erick Erickson institution in Chicago. The research focused on the implementation of innovative, network strategies to support family child care quality practices that lead to improved outcomes for infants and toddlers and their families in programs. Joselly is an avid reader, a devoted educator, mom, daughter, and wife. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, and spending time with her family, she’s also a travel enthusiast.
Email: jsantos@qualitystarsny.org