By Susan DiNatale, QUALITYstarsNY Quality Improvement Specialist, Western New York
We have all heard the saying “you are what you eat”. The food that fuels the body plays a role in physical health and mental well-being. Nutrition is critical to the growth and development of young children. For many families, putting healthy food on the table is not that simple. Food insecurity, access to wholesome meals, and cost can be barriers.
Child care programs can reduce these barriers for children by participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). CACFP is a federally funded program that provides reimbursement for serving healthy meals and snacks to eligible children. A variety of factors determine eligibility and reimbursement rates, but participating programs can typically receive reimbursement for up to two meals and one snack, or one meal and two snacks per child, per day.
CACFP participation is a financial resource for programs! The reimbursements offset food costs, freeing up valuable funds to use elsewhere.
Besides the financial benefit, participating programs have access to:
- Training and education on nutrition and related topics
- Professional resources
- Information to share with families
- Technical assistance around menu planning, meal claiming and food safety
- And more!

Participation in CACFP is a recognized QUALITYstarsNY Standard (PH4) and an indicator of high-quality child care. When programs participate in CACFP, children eat meals that meet United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines. It also demonstrates a commitment to children having the best start in life possible. This can be a powerful message to families looking for child care as they will feel peace of mind that their children have access to healthy meals while in care. Additionally, when families choose a CACFP participating program, they do not have the added responsibility of providing meals. This helps to lessen the financial costs sometimes associated with child care.
The biggest benefit to CACFP participation is the positive effect it has on children. Children get to try a variety of new foods. They learn healthy eating habits. Above all, they have the nutrition security needed to grow, learn, and thrive.
How to Apply
- Child care centers: email cacfp@health.ny.gov (use subject: “Outreach Coordinator”) or call 518-402-7400
- Child care homes: apply through a local sponsor or call 1-800-522-5006
Providers can apply at any time of year
Additional Resources
- Visit the Hunger Solutions CACFP page for more information
- Check out the FAQ for family child care programs
- Check out the FAQ for center-based programs