Many Standards require “a detailed written policy or practice statement.” Is there a difference between a policy and practice statement, and what qualifies as “detailed”?

A policy or practice statement is viewed interchangeably in the QUALITYstarsNY Standards. They refer to documentation of how a policy or practice is implemented in a program. The policy and [...]

Which staff roles qualify as a “teacher” or “administrator”?

Director/Administrator roles: Director/Administrator Principal Family Child Care Provider Assistant Director/Administrator/ Assistant Principal Owner Education Director Education Coordinator Head Start/Early Head Start Director Teacher roles: Teacher Lead Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant [...]

FIS 2 requires programs to submit “written evidence of intentionally having offered social gatherings inclusive of extended family members in addition to parents (e.g., grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, etc.)”. Do all extended family members need to be listed on the documentation submitted?

No, the document must state “family” or “families” to demonstrate that the gatherings offered are for caregivers beyond just parents or guardians. If the word “family” or ”families” is not [...]

My program only has classrooms where all children in the classrooms have IEPs/IFSPs with needs that cannot be met in a general education classroom. How do I approach Standards COA 3, COA 4, and CO 9 (Centers & School-based)/COA 2, COA 3, and COA 7 (Family Child Care), or the ERS assessment process?

If your program only has self-contained classrooms because all children in the classrooms have IEPs/IFSPs, your program will automatically receive points for Standards COA 3, COA 4, and CO 9 [...]

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