Is there a separate application for QUALITYstarsNY and Start with Stars?
No, the application is the same to apply for either QUALITYstarsNY or Start with Stars or QUALITYstarsNY. If you are an RFA 1 awardee or an RFA 2 awardee [...]
No, the application is the same to apply for either QUALITYstarsNY or Start with Stars or QUALITYstarsNY. If you are an RFA 1 awardee or an RFA 2 awardee [...]
Through our new application process, you do not need to join The Aspire Registry before applying for QUALITYstarsNY / Start with Stars. If you are not yet a member [...]
Continuous quality improvement is the core focus of QUALITYstarsNY and the support we provide to early childhood programs. When your program joins, you will be partnered with a dedicated [...]
Programs participating in QUALITYstarsNY receive: Ongoing support from their Quality Improvement Specialist Data-driven assessment through the rating process to inform quality improvement planning Professional development opportunities and scholarships for [...]
Child Care Deserts Grant programs are expected to participate throughout the duration of the grant term. However, they are welcome to continue to participate in QUALITYstarsNY once the grant [...]
If you are already participating and awarded and RFA 2 grant, QUALITYstarsNY will assess where your program is in the participation process using the Participation Benchmarks Guidelines and you [...]
As a Start with Stars participant, your program will be paired with a Quality Improvement Specialist (QI Specialist) with expertise in the field of early childhood education. Your QI [...]
As a Start with Stars participant, you are expected to meet every 2-4 weeks with your QI Specialist on-site at your program and regularly communicate with them via email [...]
Your program will participate in Start with Stars for six months, after which you’ll transition into QUALITYstarsNY.
Yes, programs must participate in QUALITYstarsNY for the duration of their grant term after completing 6 months in Start with Stars.