Continuous quality improvement is the core focus of QUALITYstarsNY and the support we provide to early childhood programs. When your program joins, you will be partnered with a dedicated Quality Improvement Specialist (QI Specialist) with expertise in early childhood education and program administration, who will advise and support you throughout your participation. You will meet regularly with your QI Specialist through on-site meetings and maintain ongoing communications.
All QUALITYstarsNY participants are on a path to excellence and earn a Star Rating of 1-5 Stars. Once you complete the rating process, you will partner with your QI Specialist to identify opportunities for improvement using the research-based QUALITYstarsNY Standards as a roadmap for your continuous quality improvement journey. You’ll set the goals you want to achieve for your program and have access to a range of resources and support to achieve your goals. With access to ongoing support and resources, programs at all Star levels enhance and sustain their quality over time. Approximately every 3 years, you will complete the re-rating process to reflect on and celebrate your program’s progress!