To be eligible to apply for the QUALITYstarsNY Academic Scholarship, you must:
- Be working 20 or more hours per week in a participating QUALITYstarsNY programin a teaching or leadership role.
- Be a full-time or part-time student taking coursework in early childhood educationat a CUNY or SUNY college. Proof of admission or enrollment will be required for applicants.
- If eligible for Educational Incentive Program (EIP) funding, the use of EIP funding is required during the calendar year.
- Have an active, current Aspire Registry ID number and profile.
- Be in good standing with the Career Center (i.e., if you are currently a Career Center client, be up to date with required meetings, grade submissions, etc.).
- Be prepared to meet with a Career Center advisor three times per semester.
- Report your grades to the Career Center.
- Have been continuously employed for at least 12 months at a QUALITYstarsNY program.*
*Multiple locations will count
*Applicable only to tuition scholarships