When submitting a policy or practice statement as evidence, it MUST be clear that the written policy or practice statement is part of the program’s official manual/handbook. For example, submit a copy or excerpt of the policy or practice statement that visibly shows the page number from the program’s manual/handbook or submit a copy of the table of contents from the program’s manual/ handbook along with a copy of the written policy/practice statement.
Evidence Notes Box: when uploading evidence for each Standard in the data system, you will find an “Evidence Notes” box where you can input a note about your uploaded documentation. If submitting a large document, such as an official manual/handbook, you must enter a note in the Evidence Notes box indicating what page(s) shows the relevant information. In the large document, it must be clear what page is being referred to and the relevant text must be highlighted.
If programs do not have the software to highlight in PDF, they can print the handbook, go through & highlight all areas that will meet the Standards, then scan the highlighted copy to submit for each Standard. When they do this, they should use the Evidence Text Box to include specific page(s) for raters to locate the information submitted for review for that specific Standard.